GNDEC established Incubation centre to encourage students and faculties to catalyze development of innovationdriven enterprises. The Centre has been funded and supported by the Department of Science and Technology, Ministry
of Science and Technology, Government of India to setup I Technology Business Incubator (i-TBI) by. The Incubation
centre, activity engaged to enable its students get first-hand experience in entrepreneurship, promote innovation at the
institute and provide comprehensive and integrated range of support including space, mentoring, training programs,
networking and an array of other benefits.
Guru Nanak Jhira Entrepreneurship Research and Business Incubation Foundation (GNJERBIF) is housed in the
campus of Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College (GNDEC) Mailoor, Bidar - Karnataka. It has the Best facilities and
resources available to incubatee such as laboratories, development and testing centers, computing resources, library
and above all highly experienced and knowledgeable human resource. In addition to these, Centre also has a network
of eminent professionals, academicians, bankers, venture capitalists and businessmen, who can extend support to
new ventures.
The Centre offers training in ideation, business planning, entrepreneurship, marketing, business communication,
intellectual property, idea pitching others.